AmigaSoc UK
Official UGN representatives for the United Kingdom
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It's time for the AmigaSoc soapbox yet again! If you've been following our adventures from last month, you'll be pleased to know that we made the trip to Cologne and back as scheduled in time for the wedding. The show itself was definitely worth the visit, with the usual favourites like Schatztruhe, Epic Marketing's German counterparts, Jens Schönfeld at Individual Computers, and of course Amiga themselves. It was pleasing to see the pile of OS 3.5 boxes on exhibitors' shelves shrinking as the day progressed. Speaking of which, If you haven't already got a copy, we'd advise you to do so.

Consider for a moment what you believe an Amiga to be. You ought to acknowledge that the only feasible part of the whole left to develop is the OS. Haage & Partner alongside the huge list of other contributors have performed nothing short of a miracle in bringing this product to us in such a short space of time (that is, the time they were given to produce it). The best reward we can give them is buying it to ensure that future updates are a certainty. Don't forget that subsequent versions will come with a ROM upgrade, we're told.

Those of you with the magnificent Directory Opus 5 and above need not worry about either the compatibility or how many of the OS 3.5 upgrades will affect them. As Opus and 3.5 users ourselves, we can tell you that it works fine (although ensure you get the patch to enable support for new style Amiga icons). The short answer is that no Amigan should be without this essential piece of software.

Until next time... and by then we expect you to be viewing this page on an OS 3.5-equipped system! So there! Before that, though, make sure you check out this month's lookalikes!

Welcome to the AmigaSoc UK home pages. AmigaSoc are dedicated
to supporting Amiga users, developers, and retailers in the UK
(and where possible, the world). For a more detailed description
of who we are and what we've done for the Amiga community in the
past, read this.

As far as our website is concerned, we aim to provide a
comprehensive suite of online Amiga-related services.
Whether you're looking for your local user group, Amiga dealers,
after some sort of second hand Amiga kit, or are having a
spot of bother with your machine, we've got the lot!

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User Organisation
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